Centre for Circle Wisdom
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Sacred Earth Journeys

We are in prayer with our Mother Earth. If you are wishing a ceremony or gathering at this time led by Sandra Moon Dancer B.Sc., M.H.Sc., who holds a degree in Health Sciences, to work with your family or community and the current energies send us an email at info@circlewisdom.ca or reach us on facebook at Sandra Moon Dancer. The invitation now is to awaken. Centre for Circle Wisdom |  Shamanic Healing Sessions

At Circle Wisdom, we travel with the knowing that Mother Earth is a living being.  We honour our Mother at this time of expansion and awakening consciousness.  Travelling with Sandra Moon Dancer and Circle Wisdom expands your spiritual journey and aligns you with your authentic self; your soul remembers and reconnects with these powerful sacred sites of our world.

"Travelling with Moon Dancer is nothing short of magnificent! She guides participants on a joyful, transformative journey of new experiences and personal growth, where miracles of healing and manifestation abound. She facilitates beautiful connections with the land and the people for those travelling with her. I have transformed in the care of her wisdom and compassion." 
– Aja Staples

Circle Wisdom’s Sacred Earth Travel:

  • COSTA RICA -- Danza de La Luna Metztliyoliliztu with Grandmother Ana, February 2020
  • International Council of the Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers -- Lift the Earth: Bringing Peace To Our Ancestors, Menla, New York, 2019
  • MALTA -- The Great Mother Temples, Spring Equinox Full Moon 2019
  • ICELAND -- Journey to the Heart of Mother Earth, summer 2018
  • ICELAND -- Journey to the Heart of Mother Earth, summer 2017
  • International Council of the Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers -- Creation to Completion: A Healing Retreat, Menla, New York, summer 2016
  • ICELAND -- Journey to the Heart of Mother Earth, summer 2016
  • ICELAND -- Mother-Daughter Travel, summer 2016
  • ICELAND -- Journey to the Heart of Mother Earth, summer 2015
  • International Council of the Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers -- 13th Council, Lakota Territory, South Dakota, summer 2014
  • ICELAND -- Journey to the Heart of Mother Earth, summer 2014
  • ICELAND -- Journey to the Heart of Mother Earth, fall 2013
  • SERPENT MOUND, OHIO -- Passage of the Celestial Dance, Dec 21, 2012
  • International Council of the Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers -- 11th Council, Cheyenne Territory, Montana, summer 2012
  • International Council of the Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers -- Omega Centre, New York, June 2012

"The magic is alive in the land of Iceland and my heart is opening to all the raw beauty seeping out of every mountain top, waterfall, rolling green hill and glacier. I have been to a few sacred sites, but never have I had the chance to create one – a medicine wheel for Mother Earth -- on such new land under the guidance of Walking Thunder-Blue Deer Eagle and Sandra Moon Dancer. I have come here with a circle of the most wonderful souls, and we are leaving here with experiences to treasure for a lifetime."
– M. Visperas

Sandra Moon Dancer B.Sc., M.H.Sc. has journeyed with Mother Earth for over 50 years. The soul’s journey has taken her to sacred sites in Tibet; China; through her ancestral Celtic lands of England, Wales, Scotland and France; across Europe, including along the Archangel Michael energy line though Greece, France and England; Malta; various islands of Mother Earth including Bermuda, Hawaii, her second home of Iceland and throughout the Sacred Land of Turtle Island -- North America. In 2013, Sandra Moon Dancer was invited by Peace Elder Jesse-Blue Forrest - Walking Thunder to retrace Mahatma Gandhi’s footsteps on the Salt March, walking 241-miles across India as Peace Walkers in the spirit of truth and non-violence.