Sandra Moon Dancer B.Sc., M.H.Sc. offers individual, couples, group healing sessions, Wisdom Circles, for women and men.*

Applications for the Energy Medicine Program are now being accepted. Please contact the office if interested.
Energy Medicine
Sandra Moon Dancer blends healing traditions of west and east Energy Medicines. Techniques based in Tribal traditions from First Nations, Buddhist White Lotus and the Divine are all part of the journey. This diversity and flexibility supports clients in integrating and strengthening themselves in today's modern world.
Core Principles:
- Each individual has Gifts and Abilities
- Your soul and body hold the energy and wisdom of more than one lifetime
- Self-responsibility
- Non-judgment towards self and others
- Belief that everyone has the right, and the ability, to co-create
- Conscious healing and energy work with all four human aspects: Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual
- Joy, magic, and laughter are essential life components
Journeying with Sandra Moon Dancer allows you to reconnect with your heart and find new ways of expressing yourself. Welcome to the Centre of Circle Wisdom.
*Policy for cancellations is 48 hours notice before your scheduled session. Clients are responsible for full exchange of scheduled sessions.
Upon request, The Centre of Circle Wisdom issues receipts for workshops, programs, and energy sessions up to 3 months after date of service.