Centre for Circle Wisdom
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Workshops, retreats, and programs at the Centre of Circle Wisdom

Empower the Business Goddess in You!

contact info@circlewisdom.ca for details

"I have created my incredible income and workplace environment and I continue to create what I desire."-Courtney Lawrence, Director of Strategic Insights and Foresights at lululemon

" I feel deeply blessed to have access to your brilliant work, and to enter the magical realm which you so gracefully hold. I could not help but be transformed. It is nothing less than a profound experience! Thank you." -N.S. International Political Consultant

Take your business to the next level, actualize your true purpose and affirm yourself as an abundant, innovative, leading-edge manifestor.  Learn practical, lasting tools, new belief systems and Tibetan feng-shui. With laughter and joy, your business will transform.

'Empower the Business Goddess in You! helped me to release anger as a woman in the world to empower my business dreams and embrace relationship as myself as Goddess in co-creation with and the Divine Goddess. " F.M

"It is better than any university finance course out there!"  K.L.

"World Class!" D. L.


Animal Spirit Guides and Totems workshop

Come be supported in practical and powerful ways.  Receive a valuable tool for Life, one that connects you with your soul's journey.  Everyone receives nine Animal Totems from this land and one Tibetan Animal Spirit totem.  All animals offer powerful guidance. 

Is there a creature teacher who keeps showing up in your dreams or is on your path?  Come join us to find out the Message that you are being offered.

This workshop will provide the opportunity to deepen your relationship with the Animal Spirits.

"These teachings changed my life.  I am eternally grateful as I feel peace and happiness as I now have a clear sense of who I am and what I am doing here."





Money Is My Friend workshop

contact info@circlewisdom.ca for details

Enjoy a positive, loving relationship with money.  Learn how to make money work for you at this transformative, joyful day with Sandra Moon Dancer, B.Sc., M.H.Sc., energy medicine teacher and shaman. Learn how to treat money with love, a sense of humour and respect. Gain lasting, practical tools and Tibetan Feng Shui magic.

"The results were instantaneous after attending the Money is My Friend workshop.  I continued to do the Tibetan magic that Moon Dancer taught, and for the first time in three years, I started to get mortgage [payments] from the person I bought a home with!  After attending my second workshop, I applied what I learned to my holistic practice, and sales have been steady ever since.  The Money is My Friend workshops resulted in me looking at the way I have used money, and the debt I have created, which frightens me tremendously.  I have been using the techniques Moon Dancer taught and things are starting to shift. Tonight I sleep better knowing that there is a way into and out of anything through the Centre of Circle Wisdom!”   P.K., health and wellness practitioner

"After attending the workshop, I now attract the income I desire and create my ideal work situation. I am amazed!" - C.L. Business Consultant

Women in Joy! Retreat
Come nurture and celebrate your mind, body and spirit!

Celebrate your Heart and Soul! All women welcome. For a full weekend, enjoy a multitude of wonderful things: energy teachings, labyrinth walk, meditation and fire ceremony. Feel the peace under the ancient cedar grove, walk the beautiful trails, allow yourself to heal with the soothing waterfall. Come dance in nature and celebrate with your drum!

“We gained a deeper level of trust in the unity of all beings. And had lots of laughs! Such joy! Thank you to Moon Dancer, The Centre of Circlewisdom, and Women In Joy! Much Love!” - C. S.

“Singing, learning, and laughing with my Sisters at the Women In Joy! retreat was a life changing experience. Being there with my mother was such a profound gift! Moon Dancer creates a joyful, safe, and loving space for transformation.” - A.S.

Healing in Nature -- Spirit in Joy! Retreat

Do you need a weekend away?  Come join us for peace and ceremony by the fire in a loving and supportive space. All healthy, organic vegetarian meals and accommodations are included.  You also enjoy meditation, fire ceremony, energy healing and teachings, labyrinth, medicine wheel and the gift of receiving a Spirit name.  

Guided by Sandra Moon Dancer B.Sc., M.Sc.

Wheel of Life - Celtic Calendar workshop

Are you concerned about the Earth changes or environmetal shifts?  These are rapidly changing times.  Join us to learn why the Celtic calendar is an amazing teaching tool to keep you and/or your children centered and strong.  Honour the significance of staying connected to the Earth's cycles and see how the Mother Earth's cycle is related to life's journey.  Bring this Wheel of Life wisdom into your life and learn how to practice simple and fun ceremonies.

This workshop is for anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of the Celtic calendar. Previous experience is welcomed but not necessary. The workshop is for all adults.

"Thank you Moon Dancer for your beautiful and insightful teachings on the Celtic Calender.  This is absolutely something that I will walk with, as I know it will bring such a sense of grounding and balance to my life."   - Mother of three children

Sacred Peace Ceremony workshop

Join Sandra Moon Dancer B.Sc., M.H.Sc. for a day of ceremony with Spirit and the elements. Sandra Moon Dancer is a world leader in ceremony working with many peoples around the world. Summer Solstice 2012, she lead a beautiful water ceremony at Niagara Falls. This workshop, we will be working with waters of the world. Enjoy this unique opportunity to bring ceremony, sacredness and peace into your life at another level. 

"I learned that I too have the power and intuition to feel, experience, and manifest the sacred in my life."
K. Paul

Conscious Boundaries: Essential Basics workshop

What is a boundary? Why are they essential? When do you need, have, want them? Come to set and learn how to maintain healthy boundaries.

In these ever-changing times, being able to adapt and gracefully change boundaries are important skills.  Doing so enables you to claim your empowerment process and authentic self.  Join Sandra Moon Dancer and learn another level of consciousness when setting your boundaries. 

"Childhood barriers that had kept me safe were now walls. Moon Dancer illuminates the feelings, love, and respect I have for myself and others."

Balance with Spring Equinox Retreat

Come join us for peace and ceremony by the fire in a loving and supportive space. All healthy, organic vegetarian meals and accommodations are included.  You also enjoy meditation, fire ceremony, indigenous healing and teachings, medicine wheel, peace pipe ceremony, and the gift of receiving a medicine name. 

Guided by internationally renowned shaman Sandra Moon Dancer B.Sc., M.Sc. with special guest Sequoia-Blue Deer Eagle, Cherokee-Celtic elder     

 Being with Sandra Moon Dancer and Sequoia-Blue Deer Eagle is an incredibly healing, empowering and joyful experience.                                       
- Caylie Staples

These two internationally renowned spiritual teachers are here in Canada before returning to Iceland spring and summer 2014. Having returned from walking Gandhi's Salt March in India, 2013 they share an incredible and unique vision of world peace. Do not miss this unique opportunity to heal and learn with these spiritual teachers in an intimate setting! 

Heart Wisdom Activation workshop

"Working with all 9 Dimensions brought me such relief, joy and peace.  I had no idea that something could shift my life in such a profoundly positive way.  Thank you." S.J.

Hearts are opening in 2014!   Come and experience alignment with the Heart of the Universe.  Building on the work of Barbara Hand Clow and her Pleiadian 9 Dimensional Activations, participants will align their heart chakras, be reenergized and supported in moving and integrating our expanded consciousness.  Join Sandra Moon Dancer, B.Sc., M.H.Sc., for an experiential workshop. 

This dynamic meditation through the 9 Dimensions will lead all participants into a new connection with their Heart and Soul's journey.

Sacred Elements --
Learn to dance with Fire, Earth, Water and Air workshop

The elements make up our world.  When you choose to consciously connect with them you manifest magic in your day to day life. Learn how a problem in your life can be solved when working with the elements. Clarity and simplicity will be part of your everyday living.

Meditation, Altars & Ceremony workshop

Sandra Moon Dancer, internationally renowned ceremonialist will teach how to use both meditation and ceremony in your life, including teachings from eastern and western indigenous traditions.  Come join us for Meditation and Altar creation, be a part of this joyful, peaceful day and let the energy carry you into the new year.

Retreat for Peace

Do you want Peace in your life?  Retreat for Peace  is a weekend of inspirational teachings, storytelling, meditation, Mother Earth and sacred Peace Pipe ceremony.

 Be a part of history as special guest, pipe carrier and storyteller Cherokee-Celtic elder Jesse-Blue Sequoia - Blue Deer Eagle - joins us.  After 9 yrs of holding the Four-Winds Peace Pipe gifted to him by the Grandmothers, Jesse-Blue and Moon Dancer awakened the sacred pipe through ceremony in India, at Gandhi's Ahmadebad ashram.  You will be a participant in this special moment in history as one of the few who witness and hold circle at this first public ceremony for this International Peace Pipe. As well, you will get the opportunity to work with Jesse-Blue in meditation. He is a life-long student in mindfulness and walking meditation.  Come experience the calm and mental clarity of meditating with this world peace visionary and elder. 

Majestic Trees - The Standing Ones workshop

Come learn about our Sacred Trees and their energy from a shamanic perspective.

Children's Soul Journeys - workshop for adults

This workshop examines the role of children and their spiritual empowerment in our world.  Children's roles often get ignored or lessened by adults and society. It is essential that they be given space and support.  This workshop is for you if when you were a child your spiritual connection with the Divine was not honoured and nourished.  This workshop is also for parents, for those who work with children and families.  You will gain tremendous insight into relationships and family dynamics.  Especially wonderful for those who have gifted children in their lives, children with exceptional needs. Everyone will leave inspired and clear about the importance of children and their Divine future in this world.

Vision Board Your True Pupose workshop

Manifest your dreams!  Vision boards are a popular tool used by many.  Do you want to use this powerful tool?  Or do you want to enhance your current vision board to realize your life's purpose?  Come learn core techniques from visionary shaman Sandra Moon Dancer B.Sc., M.H.Sc.  You will be supported in developing your own unique and creative vision board. 

Women's Labyrinth Meditation Walk for Spring Equinox

Come into balance for 2012.  Be supported in being present with the Now.

"May we walk in beauty each and every day. May we walk in beauty in a sacred way."

Sandra Moon Dancer, B.Sc., M.Hs., teacher of the Sacred Labyrinth, guides you in connecting with the wisdom of the Divine Mother. Walk in meditation with nature, and celebrate the energy of the season of change.

Dream with Heart and Soul workshop

Are you a dreamer? Do you wish to deepen your dream process to consciously work with your dreams?

Come deepen techniques to remember your dreams. Learn to dream the Wise Woman Way. Feel the support of the Grandmothers and Ancestors from Spirit. See how your dreams and visions are shared with others. 

This is your opportunity to ground your dreams in your Waking World.

Speaker at the 25th annual International Association for the Study of Dreams Conference, Sandra Moon Dancer, B.Sc., M.Hs., is an avid lifelong lucid dreamer who has researched as well has practiced dreaming and altered states of consciousness for over 25 years. She is an energy medicine teacher and Tibetan Buddhist White Lotus Master

Death and Dying in the Sacred Circle workshop

Shamans understand the importance of this significant life passage. In this workshop, we gather to celebrate and learn how to support those we love as well as ourselves.  Sandra Moon Dancer B.Sc., M.H.Sc. brings her cross-cultural energy medicine teachings, including Tibetan Buddhism and First Nations, about the Sacred transition of death.  This workshop focuses on how to honour the body, the soul, and the person in transition. 

If someone you know is transitioning, if you have someone on the Other Side, or perhaps you want to understand more about the death-birth gateway, then this workshop is for you.  If you have a specific request, please let us know in advance and we will be able to address it.

Ceremonial Fire for Unity Consciousness

October 28th, 2011 is understood by many  as the last day of the current Mayan Calendar.  To honour the Mayan Teachings and Elders, to birth with The Unity Consciousness, come gather as we light the fires to support the rebirth of Mother Earth.   

These are tremendous times -- we are here on the cusp of 2012.  Moon Dancer offers teachings and holds Fire Ceremony.  Join us in Circle, Feel the Love, See the Light, Listen for the Wisdom and Speak your Heart.

Sacred Travel workshop

Come learn how to make Sacred Travel a part of your life.  Sandra Moon Dancer, B.Sc., M.H.Sc. returns to Toronto after a Sacred pilgrimmage: meeting elders and teachers, and walking with some of Mother's Earth's Most Powerful Energy lines; St. Michael's Energy Line, and Goddess Temples.   

Come and experience a powerful healing frequency, learn about Energy Lines, Mother Earth, and how to work with Spirit in the Temples.

Soul Family Contracts workshop

Soul contracts with family and friends are key in all relationships. Deepen your understanding as to why you chose your family and friends.  Moon Dancer will explain energy patterns in Soullineage as well as how you can consciously empower yourself and take your relationships to a new level of harmony.

"Sandra Moon Dancer supports us with love, compassion and non-judgment and bring us back into the beautiful connection our souls had chosen.  Our relationship has never been  so mutually empowering."

Prayer Circle: Conscious Convergence

Teaching and practice on how, when and why to pray.

Bring balance, clarity and calm to yourself and those around you.  Learn how to let go, have a conversation with your Divine and manifest your soul’s purpose. 

Energy medicine teacher and white lotus master, Sandra Moon Dancer, B.Sc., M.H.Sc., is offering this workshop during this extraordinary planetary alignment.  The Earth is entering into its Ninth and Final Wave of the Mayan Calendar.  It is the conscious convergence of One Heartwisdom.  Join us in supporting Mother Earth’s Changes.  Move through these times with grace and ease by praying for enlightened unity consciousness.

"Moon Dancer works with energy and her work transcends traditional therapy; she understands innately that language only takes us so far, and using a variety of energy related work she is able to get to the core issues very quickly -- she has amazing insight.  She speaks to the Soul."  E.L.




Moon Rites of Passage: First Blood

Maidens age 9-14

Workshop includes all three sessions.

Teaching and Sharing Circle:

Great Mother wisdom teachings with Sacred Songs.

Time to share experiences, feelings, concerns, joys

Maidens: Honouring of the maiden, where she is in her moon passage; support for her to take her next steps of empowerment

MothersCircle to heal and reconnect with Her Moontime Wisdom

Ceremony: Singing, dancing, celebration with moon passage ritual for all maidens and mothers to be witnessed and supported in community

 Moon Rites of Passage
a Sister Program of the well-loved
Goddess Girls Circle and Tribe Sisters


CCW Workshop Policy 

Upon request, Centre of Circle Wisdom admin issues receipts for workshops, programs, and energy sessions up to 3 months after date of service.

When registering for a workshop, each participant is responsible for their journey.  In the event that you have a personal conflict and cannot participate, we will hold you and your soul's journey in that Teaching Circle.  We do not offer refund or exchange.  If you feel that you have an exceptional circumstance, please contact the office.